Light The Dark consists of two concert evenings and a conference part. The concert nights are held at the rock club Arbis and the conference part is held in the premises of the Pentecostal church Renströmmen. Here you will find out a little more about the premises.
The Pentecostal church in Renströmmen
Renströmmen is an old historic property that was inaugurated as early as 1899 and is located a stone's throw from Norrköping's travel center where both trains and buses arrive. SinceIn 1996, the Pentecostal church occupied the premises, but the building is also rented out as a conference room and also houses a lunch restaurant. It is therefore a venue that suits Bobfest perfectly as there is plenty of space for both worship/conference, mingling, coffee and food. The large church hall can accommodate up to 900 seated people, but can also be adapted for a smaller number of visitors. The Bobfest conference part is free of charge, but if you want to eat and have coffee, you need to buy food and coffee tickets in advance via our ticket service.
Drottninggatan 1
Arbisteatern or Arbis, as it is popularly called, was already inaugurated in January 1865 and is thus Sweden's oldest amateur theatre. Until 1964, Arbis kept a mixed repertoire of folk songs and revues. In 1964, the direction was changed and the Arbisteatern became the venue for Norrköping's operetta society, with operettas and musicals on offer. In 2001, the non-profit association Arbisakademin took over the operation and then invested in theater and burlesque. In 2015, the venue changed owners again and then became a nightclub and concert stage. If the pandemic had not gotten out of the way, the business would have continued, but the severe restrictions of the pandemic caused the company behind Arbis to go bankrupt. In the summer of 2023, Arbis once again had new owners and new plans began to be forged. Arbis is now once again a blooming music scene and now aims to be top three when it comes to live scenes in Sweden. Arbis is thus a perfect club for Light The Dark to collaborate with. The capacity for the venue is 900 standing visitors.
Bredgatan 54