Under Bobfest 2024 sjösatte den tidigare Anaemia-sångaren Kim Stranne sitt nya projekt, alt-country-bandet Of Ash. Bandets mörka akustiska sound gick hem så starkt hos lyssnarna att vi bestämde oss för att boka dem även till Light The Dark. När Of Ash spelade på Bobfest framträdde de som en duo med Kim Stranne på sång och akustisk gitarr och Michael Petersson på lap steel guitar. Till Light The Dark har de förstärkt sin sättning ytterligare genom att ta in Rickard Gustafsson (Pantokrator) på trummor. En fjärde medlem är också på väg in i bandet. Of Ash kommer därmed framträda som fullt band på Light The Dark. Detta är något som kommer ge deras musik en ny dimension och lyfta deras gåtfulla melodier och lyriska landskap ytterligare. Lagom till festivalen lovar Of Ash även att de ska släppa deras första inspelade låtar. Missa dem inte!
During Bobfest 2024, the former Anaemia singer Kim Stranne launched his new project, the alt-country band Of Ash. The band's dark acoustic sound resonated so strongly with the listeners that we decided to book them for Light The Dark as well. When Of Ash played at Bobfest, they appeared as a duo with Kim Stranne on vocals and acoustic guitar and Michael Petersson on lap steel guitar. For Light The Dark, they have strengthened their line-up further by bringing in Rickard Gustafsson (Pantokrator) on drums. A fourth member is also on his way into the band. Of Ash will thus appear as a full band at Light The Dark. This is something that will give their music a new dimension and lift their enigmatic melodies and lyrical landscapes even further. Just in time for the festival, Of Ash also promises to release their first recorded songs. Don't miss them!
Kim Stranne - lead vocals, acoustic guitars
Michael Petersson - guitars, pedal steel guitar
Rickard Gustafsson - drums
Saga "Starur" Björling - vocals, multi instrumentalist
Magnus Axelsson - Keyboards
Niklas Brevestedt - bass